The LBS is strong in that voice!
by MikeHighway December 20, 2022
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Lazy Bitch Syndrome: someone who's too lazy to do it themselves but had no problem telling someone else to do it
After working all day,I come home and have to work some more, when you've been here doing absolutely nothing... sounds like you've got LBS....Lazy Bitch Syndrome
by B3dpanst3w April 7, 2022
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LBS stands for Loose Booty Syndrome.
Loose Booty Syndrome is when you are in no control when you push things out of your anal walls.
Sarah ate a whole bag of hot cheetos and the next day she got LBS. She had to sit on the toilet for atleast 24 ours to recover from this horible disease.
by Oneravan April 3, 2022
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noun, Little Brother: a younger brother, either by blood or by friendship
Hey LB, pass the cupcakes man
by Sparsons September 24, 2019
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A sexy ass bitch who can sometimes be an asshole.
Person 1: That sexy ass guy over there... He's a dick.
Person 2: He's such an LB.
by January 22, 2019
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Little Bitch
Refers to a small, sassy guy or girl who is problematic. Tends to be a small as 4’11 white girl who is a republican and doesn’t know when to stop talking. People with the nickname LB normally don’t know what their nickname means but they continue to use it anyways. They attempt to be in the center of attention but they tend to be in it for a bad reason.
Guy: Hey LB, why were you attempting to break dance at the party last night
LB: I was just soooo good that I wanted everyone to see me dance
by Clout_goggles June 15, 2018
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