A smartphone made by Apple, Inc first introduced in 2007.
I just bought the new iPhone yesterday.
by enderpotato00 November 18, 2017
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only the most sexiest, awesomest, prettiest, most amazingest, coolest phone out there!!! it does everything and you know it. anyone who doesnt have it and say they hate it are just jealous cuz they dont have one. its great and does whatever, i love mine. most people want it really badly. if you are considering the iPhone...DO IT!! you need this phone, its a winter wonderland or maybe a sunny summer day at the beach!!!!<3
Peter: omg the iphone!
Lily: yup, 3GS!
Jon: wow can i see it?
Lily: No!
Jon: i wont read your messages, dont worry.
Lily: i dont care about that, you might break it and its worth alot so go buy one!
Peter: i love your phone girl take a pic of me.
Lily: in a minute charlie...
Peter: whos charlie???
Jon: what? no i wont, geez dont have to be so mean about it. the iphone is gay anyways. i have my amazing virgin mobil so ha ha!!!
Lily: WOW. have fun with that.
*Lily leaves*
Jon: i want that fricken iphone and i want it NOW!!
Peter: we all do man.
by peterlilyandjon June 2, 2010
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the act of obsessively over using the available abilities and applications of an Iphone.
ME: "i was iphoning like a bitch last night" HOE: "i don't have an iphone :'(" ME: "shut up bitch no one asked u to talk" HOE: "I'm sorry big daddy" ME: "it's okay you can suck me later"
by boatsandhoesandtables July 4, 2011
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A smart phone that actually works unlike an Android.
Iphone is a phone that actually works and doesn’t explode.

Bob: hey I got an Android today
Bill: I thought you needed a phone that works?
Bob: I do. I’m just really stupid because I’m an Android user. I’m a virgin and have a Gaystation. I’m also on suicide watch.
Bob: sorry to hear that you’re gay.
by Crumblygriffin3 May 15, 2019
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A phone that is WAYYYYYYYY better than the stupid Samsung. 💁🏼 ♀️💁🏼 ♀️
iPhone user: wow my phone works so well
Samsung user: my phone is shit
by Milevenallthewayhey April 4, 2019
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used by many 1D fans to speak on “larry stylinson
“i mean if you google conspiracy on IPHONES.. you’re gonna get a conspiracy.. but there’s obviously no truth to it like ObViOuSlY🤩🤚🏻💫”

-louis tomlinson (iphone conspiracy)
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