a stretched vajina after extensive sex with black men.
that girl has a fucking kentucky cornhole. you dont want her
by chochoniggadev March 5, 2012
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A dependable friend, partner, or acquaintance of either sex whom one can always approach for butt-sex at any time of day or night and who is eager to be the ass-pounder or -poundee.
Claire: "Why do you keep looking over at Greg?"

Stephanie: "Oh, he's just my comrade cornhole, and I need to get my ass pounded tonight."

Claire: "Wow, you're a lucky girl! I need to find my own comrade cornhole!"
by dickneck December 9, 2012
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Seductively placing multiple phallic objects into your anal cavity to show its maximum capacity or to impress a potential sexual partner with the flexibility of your sphincter.
I got 8 markers in my ass tonight, by next week I think i'll be able to post a 10 marker Cornhole-a-copia pic.
by IcemanTK June 5, 2017
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A big fat gout scratcher who has intercourse with pigs and eat all of their food. He always makes fun of dwarfs because he is over 5 ft also he likes to spank baboon ass because in his words "it was asking for my courn". He also has a super hot model of a mom who is dating a total master blaster named Joseph, every night Joseph gives Peytons mom his sloppy joe ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°). also Peyton tries to steal crushes because he likes porn.
Peyton Cornhole: hey i was talking to your crush ealier and i think i nailed her

anyone in their right mind: your mother looks better in a thong

Peyton Cornhole: *all of his bones break*
by GuyDatingPeytonsHotMom September 3, 2020
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When a skank or hoe has contracted various STD's leaving
her anus resembling a cauliflower.
dude: And when i went down there..
dude2: yea..
dude: I saw she had a cauliflower cornhole!
dude2: wtf.. thats fucking sick.
dude: Yea, i beat that skanky hoe.
dude2: GTFO
dude: what did you say?
dude2: G-T-F-O
dude: nobody talks to me like that!
dude: *grabs crotch*
dude2: wtf?
dude: err, nvm dude, as i was saying..
dude: you goin down like a clown mofucker!
dude * caps dude2 *
dude2: ohnoes!
by Philiiiip October 18, 2007
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When a male dips his penis in corn chowder and fornicates with a woman anally.
Guy 1: "Dude I totally gave my girl a dirty cornhole last night"

Guy 2: "Did you really give her that husk?"
by Rykymoobar July 10, 2019
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