A support network that helps women reinvigorate their careers and love lives through advice and guidance from a panel of female experts. Users can access life-affirming videos and wisdom from successful entrepreneurs, bloggers, finance gurus, and CEOs to help them achieve their goals. Pink Wisdom is a positive and supportive community that is dedicated to empowering and uplifting women without any advertising or sales agendas."
"I've been feeling really stuck in my career lately, but Pink Wisdom has been a lifesaver. The videos and advice from successful women have really helped me get back on track and feel motivated again."
"I'm not great at dating, but Pink Wisdom has helped me so much. The relationship advice from the marriage therapists and dating coaches has been invaluable and has helped me navigate my love life with more confidence."
"I'm starting my own business and Pink Wisdom has been an amazing resource. The insights and guidance from female entrepreneurs have been so helpful in getting my company off the ground."
by Pink Kisses January 8, 2023
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Minute Wisdom is a NoFap, Self motivation, self improvement voiceless channel with almost 100 thousand subscribers. He is a channel similar to other YouTubers such as:

He was most active in November of 2022 during No Nut November and is expected to make a return soon.
Thomas: “Hey man, who’s your favorite YouTuber?”

Barry; “Minute Wisdom, Of course.”
by froggo vibe January 24, 2023
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Another word for a public restroom, because it always has good advice written on the walls about things you should do, and stuff.
by Bro 2012 June 29, 2022
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Dumbass Wisdom is when you are smarter than they think you are but not as smart as you think you are.
He used his dumbass wisdom to ponder the shenanigans at work.
by Sweet Peep September 27, 2016
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A hella funny YouTuber that does random stuff. But he is very weird
Yo did you see Wisdom Rain’s new vid?
Yeah it was questionable..
by SuperTuber October 29, 2019
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Grey hairs in a beard when the rest of beard is still predominantly the natural hair color. Usually seen in bearded men between the ages 35-50
I'm 38 and I have a gnarly beard full of wisdom whiskers.
by FC2Mikey24 June 5, 2017
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When a middle aged man offers up his advice to a 20 year old, but the 20 year old never ask for it in the first place, and it's annoying as crap.
*20 year old me on a construction site rolling up an electric chord*

Middle aged man - "That's not how you roll up a chord. Here, let me show you."

20 year old me - "Huh, that's funny, you're the third middle aged man to show me how to roll up a chord, and all three of you did it differently."

Middle aged man - "But my way is the correct way."

20 year old me - "That's what the other guys said. Old man wisdom at it's finest."
by survivalofthefittest78 April 26, 2018
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