Stalling in a game to delay loss
If you take one more second rolling those dice I swear youll be pulling a lex.
by Thesnugrussian April 14, 2012
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The greatest fucking couple there ever was to be...they may fight often but really its because they love each other so much and their egos get in the way sometimes but at the end of the day, Doug's funny and Lex isn't really a bitch so their issues get flushed down the toilet.
Doug and Lex
***toilet flushing sound***
Lex: "oh look our problems look like turds"
Doug:" there they go, down the shitter"
Lex: "byeeeee poops"
Doug: "let's go get some food"
Lex:" how about some chinese"
Doug:"how bout it"
by Shnuglex March 23, 2022
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(verb) Is the act of a certain JayKayDizzel to moisturize and fuck his gurl.
Jay: I finna be lexing you tonight sweetie.
by JayKayDizzel August 31, 2019
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Lex luthor, more specifically Lex luthor from smallville, is a very silly rich man with daddy issues and shady tendencies. Lex luthor also would make a great gay character. Lex luthor can do no wrong on account of his pure bbg energy.

The term “Lex luthor” Can be used as a name to call the shady but caring, gay, daddy issue harboring rich guy in your life.
Person A: hey have you seen smallville?
Person B: omg yes lex luthor is my favorite character he’s literally so bbg I would die for him
by Startburststitch August 10, 2023
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Two characters from the Kids in the Hall. Dean is the king of empty promises, and Lex is... Well... It slipped my mind.
Lex and Dean is the best reoccurring Kids in the Hall sketch.
by Memes in the Sea November 23, 2021
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The „Lex Sunal“ was set up by the government of Italia brava gente so that people like Türknüz Sunal can’t get citizenship of the brava gente directly after the marriage. (Unlike Germany where every Nafri and Turkish Swabian can get it without even speaking a word of German)
A: i finally married an italian. Time for citizenship
B: Nah you gotta learn italian first, thanks to lex Sunal.
by RecepTürknüz September 29, 2022
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