Name of an intelligent and tech smart person. Most likely rich and helpful to others
Rachael give advice to Samantha
by yehaw2020 January 31, 2020
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The most wonderful lovely funniest beautiful person in the world they have beautiful eyes you can get lost in the softest hair and smells so wonderful that you just want to dance in a flower field they care sooo much about you and always argue with about how they love you more even though you clearly love them more you always feel the need to tell them how much you love them and how cute they are they make your days so much better with there jokes hugs and kisses and u hate being away from them there an absolute blessing to have in your life and without them you’d probably be dead Rachael’s are people deserving of all the love you can give never treat a Rachael wrong (specifically my Rachael) or else I will find u and kill they are the best in everything they do and make the bestest girlfriends that u just want to cuddle with while it’s raining outside and fall asleep with them right by your side warm and cozy there angels they bring joy and sunshine
Whoa I can’t believe I’m dating a Rachael woww I’m so lucky I don’t know what I did to deserve her she’s a angel
by TopFloorBosses February 22, 2023
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Alternative spelling of "Rachel."

That girl who broke your heart once.
"Hey man, do you remember Rachael?"

"Yeah dude. I think about her all the time."
by TheEllimist November 2, 2020
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Such a skinny woman with lovely long legs and small bum... such a homebody yet her sense of humour always on fire
Rachael is always there .... for you 😀
by Anonnot March 22, 2021
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Blow up Sex Doll. (original reference, cult tv series Red Dwarf - has since passed into common use)
"Kryton, unpack Rachael, and get out the puncture repair kit" - Rimmer, Arnold, J.
by Ghetto_Super_Soaker September 4, 2015
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She’s a bitch when you piss her off she checks out a bunch of guys all the time and calls them hot but she ain’t a hoe or a cheater she’s funny and when she’s in love she’s really in love she also has a nice rack
Do you know Rachael? Yes we’re dating why? Bro your dating a hoe
by Doesn’tmatter June 17, 2021
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If you have the name Rachael you’re very hypocritical. A Rachael usually tries to be friends with everyone but always speaks behind their back. They lack male attention and that is what makes them very easy to manipulate. Totally no taste in fashion.

They always think they’re right or funny? But that is also missing.

Never be friends with someone like Rachael.
- Wow! You’re just like Rachael!!
- Never talk to me again!
by ladyinsideout November 21, 2021
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