To shat on someones lawn, for the purposes of their dog shat on yours. Also the strong chance that they are an ignorant bastard who did something to your property.
(Trimmed trees, and left trimming amongst yours)
(Didn't call the city to flag gas lines and electric lines which in turn, made you flee your street, by chance of explosion, which in turn made you spend hundreds of dollars at a store that you so boredly went to in the mishappening)
Damn, that guy who lives next to us was mowing his lawn at 3 in the morning, go shiteth thy neighbor
by Jackthezipper July 28, 2010
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Someone you know who used to live right next to you.
Tim (to Alex): What's up?
Tom (to Tim): Do you even know that dude?
Tim (to Tom): Heck yes, he's my ex-door neighbor, we used to hang out sometimes.
by John319 August 20, 2007
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A Person who sits in the corner and sign languages the person next to her all night about other people in the room. Also this person has been known to stare at you for hours very creepily. This persons real motive is to skin you and wear your skin as a coat so beware.... Although she may probably rape you before she does so. To know if a person really is a creepy neighbor, you just have to ask them to spell "Cock". If they spell it "Kokc" then you know shes going to kill you, and its probably too late.
"The creepy Neighbor is stareing at me. Don't leave me alone with her.... GET BACK HERE SHES GUNNA RAPE ME!!!!"
by Shitpiece February 22, 2009
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A lonely miserable bastard who lives in silence and his own filth. Angry at the world, and particularly his kick ass neighbors, for having a life that he will never achieve. Often takes frustrations out on the ceiling with a broomstick. Is a spineless, gutless, lump of a man who is such a pussy that he has to call the management instead of confronting said kick ass neighbors. Can often be found sporting heinous red glittery house shoes, talking on his cell phone (probably to his mom) and smokin' a cigarette through his snaggle tooth.
Oh yeah. And he's a virgin.
"The Down Stairs Neighbor is creeping around the back porch again...."
by ExcessivePartyAnimals February 4, 2010
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This is a website which aspires to help increase shared community awareness of natural and sustainable living practices, products and services. The aim is to use this forum to promote informed decision-making in best practices for a green life for ourselves and all who desire to live green. Developed by S and G Lorch June 2010
I am so impressed by the information on My Green Neighbor. I will certainly have a more eco-friendly sustainable lifestyle as a result.
by ins suzi q June 22, 2010
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The person who used to live next door to you, but no longer does, either because they moved away or you did.
Susie just moved away, I guess that makes her my ex-door neighbor.
by Zekk1331 October 3, 2011
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