a very tedious insult used by 14 year old girls, who get annoied by their friends.
yo sally you're a moo! moooooooo! mooooooooo! mooooooooo!
by vartansgal October 12, 2003
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the word students may use becuase the factity at there high school are hearding them like cows from one class to another.
MOO- we dont want to go!!
by sabrina October 8, 2003
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I stayed up all night studying for the exam. MOO!
by Verna N. September 30, 2006
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Joey: All right, Rach. The big question is, "does he like you?" All right? Because if he doesn't like you, this is all a moo point.
Rachel: Huh. A moo point?
Joey: Yeah, it's like a cow's opinion. It just doesn't matter. It's moo.
by Sepeed December 9, 2005
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1. The sound a cow-dinosaur would make

2. A new type of hello between people who live in Melbourne & Geelong
*phone rings*
Caller 1: ''Moo rawr!''
Caller 2: ''Moo rawr!''
by YupUKnowWhoIAm! March 23, 2010
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