When a girl with a yeast infection is also on her period.
Lisa is a mess right now dude…she be baking cranberry nutbread in them panties!
by Whosthematter? June 4, 2022
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When one has sex on their period and their discharge combines with semen.
Last night Greg and I fr made Cranberry Yogurt, relieved my cramps so nice.
by Poona the Fuck Dog January 17, 2018
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When a girl begins her period while sleeping and stains the sheets.
Dammit! I had another cranberry dream last night!
by Lothar January 14, 2018
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When you squat during your period, and it starts to leak.
'Rebecca.. do you have a Tampon? During Yoga I might've had a Cranberry Squat'
by TheNooter69 September 16, 2018
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adv; to wrap dental floss around the head of a penis very tightly and then induce orgasm. Called the cranberry technique because the head of the penis resembles a cranberry oddly enough.
I tried to cranberry technique my mans last night, only ended up with half a shaft left.
by The octopoos September 28, 2016
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