Also known as "con-down". The feeling of sadness you get after a convention is over. What type of convention is irrelevant, as long as it is a group of like-minded people that you feel like you belong to.

Can also be used to describe the feeling of loneliness after having spent time with a partner, especially in a long distance relationship.
Person 1: Aww man, I wish that convention lasted longer...
Person 2: Dude, you have convention-down.


Significant other: I had really bad con-down for a week after my girlfriend flew back home. Especially because we won't be able to see each other for two months.
by komori1705 May 8, 2018
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A social gathering in which the vast majority of the overall group are women resulting in an abundance of vaginal presence.
Sam: "Bro, we're the only guys at this party."
Brian: "It's definitely a clam convention."
Sam: "What's that?"
Brian: "When the V's severely outnumber the D's. Opposite of a sausage fest In other words, time to go fishing!"
by Kenipples November 1, 2014
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when your friend asks you a dumb question or you just simply don’t want to talk to someone just bring up the cauliflower convention and mumble a little
Bones: *asks a stupid question*
me: oh yeah the cauliflower convention and uhhh it was ode fun
by penisbuttaidsass June 24, 2021
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Refers to an international agreement to safeguard wayward United States presidents from prosecution for their crimes.
Da Haig Convention may indeed have shielded da likes of "Ol' Tricky" and "Free Willy" from answering for their horrible breaches of public trust, but it also caused a noticeable surge of additional and widespread government corruption, since da perpetrators of said subsequent illegal/unethical shenanigans saw how easily their commanders-in-chief had been let off da hook regarding their misdeeds, and so they figgered dat they themselves could probably get away with getting their own hands dirty.
by QuacksO May 24, 2022
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A school in Darjeeling, India. Known for its underqualified staff who act like it costs a shit ton of money to simply reply to a "hello". Very trauma inducing environment. All forms of patriarchal, misogynistic, anti-feminist views are enforced in this jail. All the mean girls here turn lesbian after 5th grade.
Therapist: So what caused all your trauma
Patient: Loreto Convent Darjeeling
by thisismypseudonymok August 23, 2023
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A area where geeks and nerds gather to talk about a game or a movie and dress up and sell merch.
Guy 1: I heard Billy went to the Convention!
Guy 2: What a nerd!
by Cambodia1132 June 1, 2021
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When a group of hippies come together (sometimes for days) and dont take showers, tie-dye shirts, hold pointless conversations, and do nothing.
I went to a hippy convention with my friend Danielle, shes not use to showering and loves to hold pointless conversations.
by mjc2n8 June 9, 2011
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