When a girl asks you for computer science work help, this is her hinting she wants yo dick.
Matilda: Hey Bob, Can I get some comp sci help
Bob: yes its 6 inches long, can you take it?
by godpenisgod33 June 8, 2023
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Mom's who are totally worn out, and/or injured on the job! Workmoms comp; a service that should be given to all of us mom's who deserve to be compensated for it. Associated with being a mombie.
When do I get paid to babysit your grandkids?
I require hourly, and back pay, and WORKMOMS COMP and all!
by AshKaraoke March 12, 2020
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“Hey! What school do you go to?” “Blackwood comp”
by Wilby._.scoot September 30, 2023
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Mind controlling other people with the power of suggestion in order to make positive free gain of products, food, and services.
The Compking controled a food service worker in the heat of the moment in a drive thru window for free food.
by Souless75 June 16, 2023
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An abbreviated form of "definitely complimentary."

1.It can be used to affirm a questionable compliment between people

2. or it can be used to justify taking things for free.
1) "dude, your art is the shit"
"i hope thats a compliment"
"def comp"

2) "are these beers complimentary?"
"def comp boys, i dont see no sign that say otherwise"
by beenhere4yrs April 17, 2009
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Comp Prog :is a short version of computer programming.

SX© world order ; an astronautical sales P/L company (platforming.gov.sx) required∆
*System check code UN#SXOPEQP.
6 confirmation complete 9
2459028 request notation advise...........∆
**Request publication publicly "confirm"
by Bryn Benn April 15, 2020
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YBA Comp is a bunch of sweaty fatasses playing Your Bizarre Adventure.
You newgen, you are trash. L + no mutuals? You aren't a YBA Comp player.
by NolegFrosty September 19, 2023
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