The worst place to be in. And the land of unfunny memes.
For example, The Youtube comments section is now like:

zoom: exists

discord: ima end this man whole career
by FaintnessStraws July 1, 2020
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A cesspit of waste.

If the YT comments section isn't filled with stupid overused memes, it's full of unpleasant people who like to argue something outta nothing and then vigorously insult people for not sharing their opinion. It's either one or the other, so choose your poison I guess.
I love watching vsauce but my god are the Youtube comments section an utter mess to look at. Instead of being normal people and having real discussions, people just spam the comments with low-effort memes that pokes fun at the video in a meta way.
by Mary Mary Quite The Contrarian December 18, 2021
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One of the most god awful hang outs of insufferable dick heads and autistic retards on the internet. Stupid ass comments are a common sight and arguments by wannabe intellectuals run rampant. You can't even watch a cute puppy video without finding an ugly racial discussion just a few margins down. No matter how benign your comment may be in a YouTube Comment Section, some body will reply with hate. Half of them can't even spell.
I was feeling a bit depressed over the fucked up state of the human condition lately, so to brighten my spirits, I watched a cute puppy vid. I was feeling happy again but then I made the mistake of scrolling down to that filthy YouTube Comment Section. An appalling slue of cyber jerk comments immediately assaulted my eyes. My faith in humanity is all but gone.
by THE OLD SCHOOLER September 19, 2017
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Quite arguably worst place on the internet, where everything, even the most uncontroversial videos will be flooded by trolls, racists and other different kinds of jerks in seconds, if not nanoseconds.
Person 1: lel, get back to arabistan, you ****
Person 2: Jeez, guys, you're worse than youtube comment section, and that's a high bar to meet
by Ramizan April 15, 2019
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basically a cancerous, autistic ridden wasteland full of fags making "type of nigga", "was about to", and other terrible over-used jokes, followed by replys of "W"s and "L"s. This occurs mostly on Birdmans youtube videos
yo those fags having a real life youtube comments section flame war
by IGotUrBackBirdman March 16, 2016
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A Cesspit of braindead dumpfuckery Like all other comments sections. The only thing worse is comments on social media posts and forums. Also like social media Its swarming with bots waiting to scam you.
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