When you blow up a ziplock bag with air, zip it up, and proceed to hit your friend in the head with enough force to pop the bag.
haha dude go woozle Frank... hes sitting right there!
by bakesale123 September 30, 2009
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1. A furry fuzzy-headed cute flop-eared animal of sorts. Most oftentimes is bad (but in a good way) and always has a wittle twinkle in its eye.

2. Also, can be used when addressing a person that is really cute but mischievious and a punk ass.
You're the cutest wittle woozle ever! or

Stop being such a woozlehead!
by woozlehead July 7, 2009
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The state of being so incredibly fucked up that you've lost track of reality, though you are still lucid. Generally, one who is woozled is unlikely to make any goddamn sense and will not remember later what they were trying to say. Likely to happen when smoking large amounts of marijuana in combination with large doses of downers/ "stupid" drugs (i.e. ethanol, dextromethorphan, alprazolam, and generally anything that causes lapses in memory).
"Damn, nigga... I'm straight woozled. I feel like there's a banana in my ass. That Mexican robot wasn't kidding about this shit, you feel me Otter?"
by doctorcynicism November 4, 2013
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A Woozle is a nice person, or someone clever. It originated from the Wood, which was used ages ago to mean someone clever, and went from Woodzle to Woodzle to Woozle.
Joyce is a Woozle!
by Weiord June 29, 2021
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the act of cleaning yourself off after sex with your mates pillow.
i came home to find that i had been woozled!! the woozle stuck again!
by the woolze bitch January 30, 2010
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A seedy, weedy, doughy man. Often seen fraternizing with hephalumps, the woozle is weak-willed and easily abused by hephalumps and others.
Look at that woozle! I bet he's off to be defiled by his treacherous hephalump of a girlfriend.
by Mr. Not Very Fantastic March 16, 2009
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What you become after heart-pattering, knee-weakening, head-spinning kissing, or other such activity. To be associated with the word woo, which is what someone must do to you in order for you to have become woozled.
After that mind-blowing goodbye kiss, I was so thoroughly woozled I could barely walk to my car.
by danielleabella December 20, 2008
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