Vivian is one of the sweetest girls you will ever meet. She seems very outgoing, but on the inside she is very anxious and tends to overthink everything she does. If a Vivian has a crush on you, make sure to not break her heart. She tends to get very attached when she starts to crush. If you like a girl named Vivian, be sure to tell her, otherwise she'll move on.
"Damn, that girl is spicy."
"Yeah, her name is Vivian."
"I think I'm gonna ask her out."
"No way, broski, she's mine."
by okthenyouthot June 12, 2019
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A girl who is the most hottest thing i've ever seen. She is smart and hot, yet dateable. But she's shy and different from the others. That's why I love her.
Guy 1: Oh god did you see her today?

Guy 2: Viviane? Yeah she's a fucking goddess.

by im in love with viviane... January 24, 2009
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(n.) one of the most beautiful names a girl can have.

Because it ends with a gentle flow when you pronounce it, it has an elegant and graceful twist to the name. It is also special because Vivian is not as common as other names. Unlike some names that make the girl sound like a total bitch bitch, like Kristina, Jessica, Victoria, Emily, Ashley, Kelly, Nicole, or Lauren, Vivian sounds graceful and elegantly classy. Parents who name their girls Vivian have refined taste. It is more likely a name for the upper-class.

Any girl with this name is very likely to be pretty with an amazing personality. The name has a sense of beauty with a drop of danger and adventure and fun to it. It is derived from the Latin meaning "life". Adrienne is also a great name for a girl but Vivian is exclusively used for girls.....aka Vivienne or other spellings.

Pretty much any name that ends with a consonant followed by -ian has a beautiful ring to it, like Lillian, Hadrian, Julian, etc.

Hands down the best kisser ever. if you're lucky enough to experience this pure ecstasy, you're going straight to hell because she's sinfully good.

How can anyone forget the girl named Vivian?

Man, that Vivian is a beautiful girl!

I wish I have a girlfriend named Vivian. She would be gorgeous and lots of fun.

Man, that Vivian is so fun to be around, not to mention she's pretty too!

Damn I wish I can kiss Vivian, or at least get a warm hug from her.

What's your name? Vivian? That's a gorgeous name!

No girl can be compared to a girl named Vivian.
by Mickhail January 20, 2007
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The most beautiful girl. Caring ,outgoing, wonderful girls you will ever meet. They have a outgoing personality.. If you find a Vivian don't let go cause she will make you happy. Best kissers and a big heart....she doesn't sugar coat anything when it comes to drama.... Tall, thick and big when it comes to boobs or butts..... She is the best person ever when it comes to relationships..... Athletic, strong and independent in life... Loves nature and animals ..... If you meet a Vivian consider yourself lucky
Wow!! I can't believe I have my self the most beautiful girl ever wow vivian...
by Vivian sanchez June 21, 2016
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A shy girl that turns up once you get to know her. Vivian is a beautiful, funny, and down-to-earth girl. Vivian is fun to be around and is a smile factory that never fails to make you smile. If you're ever lucky enough to be with her, don't let her go. Vivian is a one in a million.
Wow that girl is really amazing.
Oh, Vivian? Yeah, she is BUSSIN. Any guy would be lucky to have her.
by chowmane April 6, 2021
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Vivian; a person who you could very easily talk about your problems with and know she will understand without judgement. She is very trustworthy is tall at times, maybe taller than you who knows. She is funny and will never fail to cheer you up. She is thiCK af, jk it depends. She has eyebrows and mountain dew. She will not show but wants attention when you're not talking to her. Laughs at the tinniest things in life. She will be jealous if you hangout with another friend. If she like you...SHOW SOME KIND OF INTEREST IN HER. Arguments can be non-rare with her but say sorry, and give her a big hug. She can think of herself ugly but id beautiful inside and outside. Make sure u water your vivian and give her lots of love and care ;)
by erikapowpow March 13, 2019
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She is a goddess and she is the most outgoing person you will know.
Vivian is also hot.
If you ever meet a Vivian make her your friend she will always have your back
by Vivian is hot af October 31, 2018
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