Used when one is on a tweet binge and send more than 3 tweets in a matter of minutes.
Oh man bro, I was on such a twinge the other day, i probably pounded down 5 or 6 tweets.
by Brettisyelling February 16, 2010
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When you are sexually aroused your sexual organs may start to "twinge"
Damn you got me twinging!
by TwinkleToes36 March 23, 2016
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A little bit; a small amount. Miniscule. Un poquito.
I had some baked chicken wings with a Twinge of hot sauce. ...mmm why I outta!
by Reymundo Suggs July 8, 2009
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The cross between a twitch and an itch usually causing some mild discomfort or pain. Most reported "twinges" are temporary, and occur mainly in the left hemisphere of the human body.
"This twinge behind my ear is driving me crazy! It usually goes away in a day or two though."
by muahlamb4 July 30, 2009
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Uncontrollable penile erectile movement due to arousal.
"Brolly, what you just said gave me a twinge..."
by Asino Ash January 20, 2012
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Absolutely not a word at all. Not even a little bit. Completely made up.
Twinge is not a word.
by Morgan White1 February 11, 2009
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A badass dude with a giant dick. Usully has girls hanging all over them. They're mamas boy and love sandwiches. Usually hang with the jock crowd.
"woah. That kid is a total badass and has a huge dick. What a twing. "
by lilywhitetexas February 6, 2010
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