A sexual act when a man and a woman push their anuses together. Then either the man or woman begins to poo into the other's anus, then the other poos back poo into the other's anus forever in perpetual fecal bliss.
Dude 1: I totally partook a Reverse Tug of War with your mother last night and twice this morning.

Dude 2: Dude breh man, that is fucking nasty
by Luvs2reversetugofwar April 18, 2010
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Two individuals, both sharing a strand of anal beads that are inserted into their anus, playing "tug of war" with the anal beads.
Jim and Frank love to engage in a game of Siberian tug of war every Saturday night.
by Khm3 March 14, 2016
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Taking half of a shit, then using the shit hanging from your ass as a dildo to insert into someone else's asshole.
We played Kentucky tug-of-war last night. His shit felt sooooo good in my asshole.
by Christrillion June 9, 2016
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A game where two men grab a hold of eachothers wangs and pull until one of them quits.
I just lost a game of Chinese tug of war, now my junk hurts.
by econobeing July 23, 2004
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A game where a piece of string have 2 ends that a tied on to the nuts, genitalia, groin, crotch, testicles male. The contestants will walk back and the string will have to go off of nuts but nether contestants can untie the string the losses will get kicked in the nuts
Last time I played nut tug of war I lost and the winer was not wearing no normal shoe of corse it had a Metal front that was not kicked quite softly at my nuts
by Biggest brain December 14, 2022
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The Polynesian Tug-of-War is performed by tucking both of a man's balls inside his rectum before sitting on his face on top of a piano.

The rectum holds the balls quite firmly, so he will be playing tug of war with his own butthole trying to get his nuts out.
"Bro, my Tinder date last night gave me a Polynesian Tug-of-War lady night, and it was incredible!"
by Oxide9 March 9, 2022
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When you playfully lick your partners sphincter and they clinch down on your tongue to play Tug O War.
"Why does that chick sound like Jar Jar Binks?" "Oh she played Tug O War with me last night."
by FunkyTown October 10, 2019
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