A loud and obnoxious former competitive TF2 player that once ruled the kingdoms of TF2. Then, out of no where he disappeared only to return as a pubber who swears that he can kick your ass. Sporting the color of Lime on his items, they know what's coming even before the first shot is fired.
Person 1: Dude I DDL'ed that chick so hard.

Person 2: Why you gotta be such a dick?
by Anonymous123597875548 December 27, 2013
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Doctor, Dentist, Lawyer. A man who is, or is working to become, one of these professions.
This word is generally used by gold digging girls when they describe the type of guy they want to date.
I only date DDLs'.
by foxxxykate March 12, 2010
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A Data Definition Language is a computer language for defining data structures.
Billy: What is DDL?

Bob: It is a computer language for defining data structures.
by Josh Grime June 2, 2007
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Stands for Drop Dead Laughing. It's the new LOL.
Friend 1: I glass bottom boated that bitch last night
Friend 2: DDL!!!!1!1
by flexy mutha fucking lexy October 24, 2005
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abbreviation for down down low, which is an extreme form of the rather common dl or down low, referring to the necessity of keeping a juicy tidbit of information hushed up.
"Whoa, you hooked up with HIM?!?!?!?!"
"Yeah, but let's keep it on the ddl. He's pretty skeevy. I was too drunk to know what I was doing."
"Oh, okay, I won't say a word."
by e-nizzle March 3, 2004
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