Someone that you love to cuddle with, that makes you happy, and fills all your sad spots with happy ones. =D
My girlfriend who makes me feel warm n fuzzy (n snuzzy like a snuzzle).
by DINO-SNUZZ March 21, 2010
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To snuzzle; do chewing tobacco called Snus (Frost,Mellow,Spice).

To relax and chill with snus in bottom or top lip to give you that buzz or tingling feeling.

It is not dipping; it's snuzzling
Me and my partner in crime(P.I.C.)wanted to go snuzzle and play XBox.
by Off. Michaels March 6, 2009
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A buck tooth girl who applies way too much makeup and looks like a 5 year old used her face as a coloring book.
Dangggg!!!!! She looks like a snuzzle with all that makeup on!
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When a girl is snuggling you and she starts to nuzzle your neck (usually intended to lead to something else *wink*)
Guy 1: "How was your first night home?"

Guy 2: "Great! my girlfriend climbed in bed and started to snuzzle me, then we had some real fun."
by Kayaluki!!!!! October 14, 2009
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Wiping your dirty cock in a females hair.

Early snuzzle references involved a use of a curtain to clean ones cock. However over time this has evolved to the use of the hair.
He pulled out and gave her a snuzzle to clean himself off.
by The Ramrod March 22, 2007
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To nuzzle something small and generally fuzzy with great affection; such as a cute and cuddly kitten, or your favorite vagina.
Often part of oral sex.
He snuzzled my pussy all night.
by rolypolyeatingdude December 15, 2008
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