to be right before the stage of being faded or completely fucked up and your perception miserably fails in an instant and words begin to slur.
Ma nigga these drinks got me slizzy.
by July 30, 2012
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Someone who is super fucking slick. Also a savage
by 3 Piece May 20, 2016
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Short for Slizabeth - the name given to the select few that have been to the point of being slizzard
Dang! Look at slizzy he/she is dropping it low to the floor! He must like his/her beats fast, and the bass down low.
by Slizabeth:) November 16, 2010
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i fuckin' love summer! there's always slizzies running around waving their vaginas everywhere!
by J wu February 1, 2011
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(slizz-E) 1. Adj. Describing the nature of being a slizzle.
2. N. Same as above, oftentimes used as a noun in place of slizzle.
I bet that slizzy bartender over there can run a train and mix a perfect martini at the same time!
by Marasmus June 4, 2003
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to be drunk, or overally tipsy or intoxicated.
Ben: Yo man that party last night was dope.
Rick: yeaaa man more than half the night i was so slizzie.
by Caelen B October 6, 2008
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