Skoosh is the vagina. Usually used only to describe the vagina of an extremely attractive female.
I know the girl is probably a bitch, but what I wouldn't give for a night in that skoosh.
by Double K April 2, 2006
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Skoosh is a word that can literally mean and apply to anything and the definition can be found out using context.
Friend 1: damn bro this party sucks I'm Tryna skoosh
Friend 2: I feel u bro.fuck this let me get me girl and meet me in the skoosh.
Friend 1:skoosh
by King_Mercury October 23, 2017
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I'm going to build a little skoosh into this budget.
by Cherbot3000 March 21, 2009
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A sip borrowed from someone elses beveridge. For show!
OI Knobend! Gies a Skoosh au yer juice
by JC PURE MAN February 5, 2006
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A fart that occurs while masterbaiting.
Last night i was slappin the ole' salami around when I let out a skoosh that smelled so bad that i went limp and had to stop.
by G wag November 21, 2007
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to pound one into the ground until they die and go to hell.
Doris: Taylor? Where are you?
Taylor: Right here.
Doris: I thought you were stolen or abused by your M&M boyfriend
Taylor: No, he's been good.
Doris: Good, or then I'd have to skoosh him.
by Maria K April 3, 2007
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to pound one into the ground until they die and go to hell
Doris: Taylor? Where are you?
Taylor: Right here.
Doris: I thought you were stolen or abused by your M&M boyfriend
Taylor: No, he's been good.
Doris: Good, or then I'd have to skoosh him.
by Maria on behalf of Doris February 19, 2007
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