to vomit or barf, particularly related to over-eating or drinking alcohol
I drank so much beer, a reversal was inevitable
by Reimer Cunningham July 7, 2005
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The act of taking a shit while facing the cistern. Causes large a mount of residual crap to be left on the bowl.
We got got kicked out of our holiday house so we busted a reversal in the tiolet then got the fuck out.
by kiwicito September 29, 2004
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In theory, reversalize has the same meaning as reverse, while being a much more modern and scientifically relevant term.
I need to reversalize the "1" and the "2" in "12" to make it "21".
by Codeinator November 22, 2005
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Basically just plain ol' psychology. Reverse reverse psychology only exists when the other person assumes that you are doing reverse psychology on them (when you are not).
Sgt McDonut: "I wouldn't press the button that says 'eject' if I were you."

Pvt Cummings: "I know you're just reverse psychology'ing me, so I won't."

Sgt McDonut: "And that's exactly what I wanted you to do. The button was to eject me out of the plane, not you. Thankfully I factored in the possibility that you would think I'm doing reverse psychology. And even if I was unaware of your mental gymnastics, your reverse psychology guess would've screwed you anyway because the eject button for your seat was in my hands all this time. Get reverse reverse psychology 'd son."

*Pvt Cummings gets ejected out of the plane*
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proof that the english language is a complete joke
mf: wha - why da fuck there a red line under reversable
by poopsharterr March 14, 2021
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Reverse also known as the agario phone split run god, is the most beautiful person you will ever meet, his smile blinds you, he excels in basketball, sometimes a simp tho even tho he got hella hoes hes always loyal, however he has a trigger word, that word is “mulan” you say that word which he identifies that word as “it” and if you dare say that word all hell will break lose, any type of power you think you had will suddenly disappear, he will shit on your ego, make you feel like you’re nothing. Overall a good looking puerto rican beaner on instagram
by trvrse August 14, 2021
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A way to describe something, someone, an occasion, process, etc. which was originally a bad thing, but ends up to be a good thing.
Laura and Paul's wedding's best man speech was actually reversely awesome!
by Wedding Guest September 1, 2013
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