Rem is waifu. Rem is BEST WAIFU. She is queen. She goes great with Kirito. They both are the BEST.
Rem is best Waifu.
Rem and Kirito belong together.
I Love Rem, screw emilia (doesn't deserve to be capitalized)
by KiritoBest October 29, 2018
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A great alternative rock band that was formed in 1980 by drummer Bill Berry, guitarist Peter Buck, bassist Mike Mills, and vocalist Michael Stipe.
REM kicks ass. "The Great Beyond", "The One I Love", "Imitation of Life", and "Losing My Religion" are among some of their greatest songs.
by SuperSonicX October 15, 2005
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Awesome cool savage ripped hot good friend nice caring lit dope wannable cute funny cool MAGIC understanding magical
Omg that boy is so hot he must be a Rem
by Everlan December 30, 2016
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To be called a 'rem' means you have done or said something really stupid. When saying rem you mist emphasis and prolong the word. You REEEM.
Jord: I identify as a Beatle

Not Jord: Youu REEEM

by Fiofi November 17, 2020
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A group of people who share a common interest and hang out despite hating each other. Fights often break out between each other, usually resulting in someone leaving the group altogether. Even though the group is open to the public, nobody new joins due to the bad atmosphere created by its members.
"Did you know that the old table tennis club still exists? It's a real rems now. Everyone there just argues instead of just playing some good ol' ping-pong."
by yeetyoteyacht February 29, 2020
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