a young child who is in the beginning stages of becoming a pervert later in life
the 5 year old boy said of his older brother's girlfriend: "woooow, look at the rack on her!" what a prevert!
by wuhahahaha June 2, 2007
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A mis-spelled variation of the word pervert, most often seen in chat rooms. Often this gramatical error is dubbed "l33t" speak, in a pathetic attempt to hide their own stupidity. See pron
That prevert downloads way to much donkey pron.
by el jefe June 11, 2004
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texan speak for the word "pervert"
My father is a Yankee that transplanted himself in TX in the 1950's -- he likes to say "prevert" instead of "pervert" just to be funny.
by Winsi June 13, 2004
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A young pervert or pervert-in-the-making
Sometimes, young teenage boys are referred to as "preverts" because they are not mature enough to be called a full pervert.
by chocolatio June 3, 2007
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a term often used to describe an adult imbecile (with a displaced libido) with a fetish for underage girls usually of asian descent.
A prevert is usually between the ages of 30-40, fat, lazy, on medication, balding, caucasian, perhaps with a small penis, and has a "thing" for underage Asian girls.
by mr. buggs October 1, 2004
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a person about to become a pervert.

from the latin prevertus, meaning... no I'm kidding. It's just bare of pre- before
- I'm a retard who can't spell
- And you're probably a prevert.
by Steve Lewis June 13, 2004
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when a person or group of people start to think of odd things invovling other people or thing other people have said.
there's no head there
by Mersu March 29, 2005
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