A girl who follows guys around and calls them "captain" in a seductive way.
"Tyler and Marie are Mark's Pirate Hookers"
by JMAN36969 October 4, 2009
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A walking semen vessel that smells like off crab meat and frequents bars to lubricate her insatiably hungry meat cave.
Yo is that a crab bisque or is the pirate hooker around..
by Tuppy ole July 23, 2009
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A girl who will service a large group of men.

Normally called Fr0g
That girl was a getting all over.

I know. . . like a pirate hooker.
by Sammiesunshines January 17, 2009
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-when someone does something that is totally skanky, they are called a pirate hooker
Cathy - "hey i just hooked up with this guy from the mall."
Sue - "what was his name?"
Cathy - "dunno."
Sue - "You're such a pirate hooker!!"
by reve January 8, 2006
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A bad ass chick that is down for her man. She exudes confidence and sexuality. She's a flirt. Her sex drive is equal to her man's. She can hang with the boyz but is still a lady.
Pirate Hookers usually travel in groups. With their men along for the ride.
No celebrity pirate hookers known....
by Angie Pastinucci March 20, 2009
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An ironically affectionate term for a woman. Often the superficial definition of whore or slut is used and implied, but most usages don't actually imply the woman is a "whore" or "hooker" but in fact its a joking compliment to a woman's personality when she is singles and looking for a partner.

Synonym:pirate wench
Oh my god Susan, I can't believe you're into him! You're such a pirate hooker!
by Turtledee October 5, 2015
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