"Some Spanish people were discussing how the language should evolve to get away from its inherent acceptance of male hegemony."

"It would be a simple fix technically but hard to implement. It'd be seen as PCBS."
by Mika EDM March 14, 2013
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"Professional Cock-blocker" someone who gets in the way of a person and their significant other spending time together and/or having sex so often they exceed the level of cockblocker.
"Your little brother is a PCB, he's always following us around."
by sasha88 October 5, 2011
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A secret underground society that will one day rule the world.
The only people who know what "PCB" actually means are the members of "PCB".
person1: Have you ever heard of PCB?
person2: Um...I don't think so.
person1: K.

(Person 2 is secretly a member of PCB)
by PCBPCBPCB May 5, 2009
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Princess Cock Block - a girly type guy who "plays for the other team" and cock blocks his friends.
That Andrew is such a PCB. No one ever takes a girl home when he is around.

Friend: Hey girl how are you?
Girl: I'm good, about to leave. How far is your place?
Friend: A couple minutes down the street.
Andrew (PCB): HE'S DRUNK!!!
Girl: Wait a second, my friends are calling me. I have to go...
by bill23423 September 22, 2009
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-Pre Coachella Boner; The act of cultivating a throbbing erection from thoughts leading up to the annual event known as Coachella.
You:" Yo, I hear the rumor is OutKast is performing at Coachella this year"

Friend: "I got a PCB just thinking about it..."
by Shlookeh January 28, 2014
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