you know the saying 'padua to bed ursuline to wed' well i have a theory on that. see padua is the all girls school and ursuline is the school where boys with make-up eventuly become women. thats why it cost so much to go there, the gender-reasigning process is expensive, and that also explains why they are soo good at sports, i'm sure we've all thought 'pants check' when watching the UA teams...
i am a padua girl, and i'm not 50lbs overweight, and i'm not a slut, but hey generalities are cool to make (haha yeah up above this is funny so get off it and laugh)
by oh hell yes February 26, 2005
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a girl who wants to be an ursuline girl, but just doesnt have enough money or isnt smart enough to get into ursuline
by an ursuline girl March 12, 2005
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1. A chick that gets mad because she can't beat the 3 time champs in v-ball n b-ball
2. a chick who don't have enough guts to step to us UA chicas
3. A chick who went into Padua a slut and came out a full blown lesbian.
Padua girls two great skills and they both involve their mouth.
by 1Uachica February 1, 2005
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an all girls school where lesbians frequently try to put down certain female students/athletes who refuse to satisfy their "womanly needs"..
Coach: you want to play? come in my office for a couple minutes (wink wink)
athlete: NO, i AM STRAIGHT!
coach: you're off the team.. wait no, you're expelled!
by theman February 23, 2005
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Ways these girls are similar:

1. Trash talk each other online, or behind backs instead of face to face
2. Sit and argue with each other about who is the bigger slut and who gets more action.
3. Call each other fat or Annorexic (they can't make up their minds)
4. Won't shut the hell up ... EVER!
5. Obviously have way too much time on their hands.
6. are all around fake.
7. There are no boys at either school.
8. Both are smack in the middle of wilmington Delaware.
9. Both contain some wealthy members of the community, sluts, nerds, etc. (basically a variation of lifestyles/personalities
Now with the clarification that all the trash we say about each other ocurs at both schools, and is what we actually share in common, can we please get a grip and stop this nonsense?! There has to be something better to do with your time!...
by Me xo February 1, 2005
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School where a bunch of scrawny fags and wanna be hoodlums who vape go to.
Person 1: "Padua College is a shithole."
Person 2: "Yes it is."
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