the ultimate highest bootifulist sex godess in ashmore park!
muz rules all ova sex god/godess 's and is the seifulist! :P
by jesus April 14, 2005
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A blunt rolled with such perfection and meticulous care that you would think the Marijuana gods rolled it themselves. Especially known for its gift-wrapped tip and ultra-thick ends. Sometimes a Muz L can sustain its puffability for upwards of 35 minutes.
That blunt we rolled was too flaky and didn't have a clean pull. Next time, let's holla at a Muz L and do it right.
by beachbumaxp November 6, 2007
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An oversized plush toy (a bear) living in the confines of a psycho maniac girl's room and has to resort to the torture of her acid liquid flowing from her mouth every night.
There is only one Mr Muz in this world, and experts are still trying to solve the mind boggling mystery of finding this bear's location.
by Concherry March 3, 2009
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Someone who needs to pass their Theory Test
What do you call someone who hasn’t passed their Theory Test? a Muz
by Realtalk555 November 23, 2021
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Muz is a word used to describe the action of failing an incredibly simple task that others in society complete with relative ease.
'I'm Muz and I'm going to ignore the 8th red coin and enter the pyramid in this game designed for children'
by NotDanFantastic January 13, 2023
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