a. mental asylum for chinese and indian kids who score 1600's on their sats
b. the monta vista football team isnt sure what a touchdown is
c. reference to a really boring event
d. (montavistan) those who make up for what they lack in logic with ap test scores and will never make it in the real world
a. who got the highest sat score? some douche bag chink/indian from monta vista.
b. lynbrook kid - 'yess! we get to play monta vista for homecoming game, no way we can lose this time..'
c. man, our dance was turned into a total monta vista... sucked ass
d. dang, another monta vistan got a perfect calc ap test... too bad he wont ever score that high with a girl.
by another asian nerd April 28, 2005
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Where kids get expelled/suspended for "hacking" the school network

Where kids like to provoke Indian gangsters, and get chased down by big guys with knives and a black Hummer

Where there are "gang fights" over smoking turf in the library

Where two teachers have been sacked due to student complaints (officially sexual harrasment)

Where there is currently a petition to readopt the sacked teacher's grading policy, because people who had 86% and above got an A. Which isn't true anymore, after the aforementioned teacher got sacked, which means you've got an angry mob of MV students with B's. Never good.
"Did you hear _____ was expelled for getting the network password?"
"No fucking way! In other schools, kids get expelled for shooting people, not attempting to cheat, like at Monta Vista"
by asfdj December 13, 2007
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Wannabe gangsters who don't know how to tie their own shoes.
by shoobeebop February 25, 2005
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A fucked up county prison with no niggers and too many asians. Where inhabitants can be identified by SAT scores (usually between 1500-1600). Inhabitants generally suffer from extreme lack of common sense and practical knowledge.
If an MV senior gets in a fight with a non cupertino 8th grader, who wins?
The 8th grader, MV dosn't offer AP How To Live In The Real World classes, what did u expect?
by FireWolf238 February 12, 2005
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1. A land of over-proud and cocky indians, who think they the coolest peoplz in the world.

2.Ugliest indian and asian people you can find in da whole world.

3. Dark-skined indians who think they are black.
Viraaj has such a monta vista attitude; he loves getting it from da behind.

The Hindu Awarness Club had to have originated in Monta Vista.
by Akshay Paddie March 4, 2006
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place where people are cocky and stuckup. They think they are better than others, but thats only because they don't know better.
by :D February 25, 2005
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(adj)to describe something as an infestation of nerdlingers, azns and sluts inhabiting a ghetto.

(noun) A "hot chick" deterrent.
(used as adj)Oh god, last night's dance was SO monta vista.

(used as noun)
club security: (stands in the way)Whoa! Whoa, hold it! I'mma havta ask you to leave! The manager doesn't want this place to turn into a monta vista.
ugly guy w/ whore: (walks away in shame)
by CHAMeleon April 29, 2004
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