A medical Technologist who specializes in hematology. Can often be seen in the lab struggling to find the right field to view his differentials.
This microsope must be broken, john Michael must have used it last. Damn john Michael
by Path resident February 28, 2020
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a guy with super cool jackets and lots of gum. He likes to reference the office and roast people. basically he is rUdE.
"John Michael was roasting me today and basically i was not having it"
by earl rosco February 21, 2019
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Biggest dipshit you will ever know, can't play any sports for his life. He sucks at getting girl and is often gay.
That guy was so mean, what a John-Michael.
by John-Michael December 17, 2016
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A big pile of garbage that loves guacamole and is engaged to someone way out of his league. He usually has the coolest brothers that are way more attractive and talented than he is and will forever be cooler than him.
John Michael is gay.
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Only he,, mentioned!, I.. (Jumped) Of a many.., Dimensions and Depths!, Space and time, continuely addition in a Jaguar XF supercharged engine of realities and meanings. #IAMTHATIAM #ISWEARTOGOD #FINALUCHIDAGREATROCKRULER
Coming back with Ommie john Michael Williams Jr. Last deccending of the Mighty Father God.
by August 3, 2022
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kimi ga suki dato sakebitak kimi ga suki dato sakebitakkimi ga suki dato sakebitakkimi ga suki dato sakebitakkimi ga suki dato sakebitakkimi ga suki dato sakebitakkimi ga suki dato sakebitakkimi ga suki dato sakebitakkimi ga suki dato sakebitakkimi ga suki dato sakebitakkimi ga suki dato sakebitakkimi ga suki dato sakebitakkimi ga suki dato sakebitakkimi ga suki dato sakebitakkimi ga suki dato sakebitakkimi ga suki dato sakebitakkimi ga suki dato sakebitakkimi ga suki dato sakebitakkimi ga suki dato sakebitakkimi ga suki dato sakebitak
John Michael jionco
by #Nicole ko June 10, 2021
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