li-mp biz-kut: adj.,(n); A sound so awful, it can make Snoop Dogg stop blazin up the chronic.
I took a Limp Biscuit and there was no toilet paper to wipe the Limp Biscuit from my KORN hole.
by nismoinside October 5, 2003
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A band characterized by moronic lyrics with many mentions of the word "fuck" (CuZ Th3y r teh H4Rdc0R3!!!111!!), shitty power riffs played over and over, and inane "beats" added in. Their lead "singer" Fred Durst either "raps" in a whiny bitch ass voice or "sings" in monotone. Y'know, when he's trying to be all "serious".
Limp Bizkit song: Move in now move out, hands up now hands down.

Me: What is this? The fuckin' hokey pokey?
by combat_rock November 29, 2003
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An awesome band. I think I'm the only person on this page to say that
Friend: Limp Bizkit sucks

Me: fuck you dude
by a9steaksauce January 28, 2012
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a mediocre rock-rap band
Why the hell would you name your band "Limp Bizkit?" If my bickit was limp, I wouldn't brag about it... I'd pop Viagra!
by Bozz Hawg April 27, 2004
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