something you would say after an another individual thinks of a dumbass idea.
Timmy: Hey guys lets go to the art show.

Justin: Or we could light our balls on fire.
by Don L February 15, 2008
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A response to be used when being yelled at, such as by a parent. The rough equivalent of "don't tase me bro!" An answer indicating surrender and a desire to avoid harm.
Mom: "I told you to be home by 5! How could you be late for your grandfather's birthday?!?!"
Son: "Sorry, mom! Jeez, don't light my shed on fire! I just forgot, OK?!?
by smalltowngamers July 29, 2010
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To describe the love of your life, or even more than that. Your world would turn into complete darkness or turn upside down without her.

It is in the opening sentence of Lolita the novel by Vladmir Nabokov / Lolita the movie, in which the narrator was obsessed with his stepdaughter which he named Lolita.

It is adopted by Lana Del Rey as lyrics in her song "Off to the races".
She is the light of my life, fire of my loins, I'm dead when she leaves me.
by JeanG December 14, 2012
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If you like songs that are over six minutes long (7:09 to be exact) but only have about 1-2 minutes of lyrics, this song was made for you.
Light My Fire is one of the greatest songs of all time
by Someone who kinda exists June 3, 2022
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Lighting a fire under somebody's ass isnt a way to get somebody to do their job better, it's a way to try and scare someone into doing what you want them to do for you. It always has been.
People could do without someone trying to go around lighting a fire under people's asses.
by Solid Mantis January 12, 2021
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Trying to force someone else to become compliant with, or get in line with your agenda/policies, especially somebody who regularly tells you to go fuck yourself.
He/she tried lighting a fire under the guy's ass when not taking the word no or the words go fuck yourself for a legitimate answer wasn't working.
by Solid Mantis January 20, 2021
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