The act of leaving a land shark:

Dropping toilet paper pre-duke (the land) and laying down a nice big steamer on top (the shark). A turd casually sunning itself on a TP island waiting for an unsuspecting victim to smell its wrath. An act designed to avoid ass-splash whilst doing your duty and to punish those who follow.
"Man, I went in that gas station bathroom and someone dropped a huge land shark." (ie..find another rest room to rest your toosh 'cuz that bathroom smells like butthole content.)
by MISHELLLIOhohoho September 19, 2012
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A hyperactive dog that runs around harrassing, biting, and chewing everyone and everything in its path.
-A shark-like creature that dwells on land. "AKA" Murphy Brown man around town...
This fucking dog is like a landshark.
Stop landsharking me you little bastard.
by jeff March 18, 2005
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a girl spreads her arms acros a wall thrusting her ass in the opposite direction, while a guy in the other end of the room has his arms above his head, in the shape of a shark fin, humming the "jaws" theme song. Then as fast as he can he sprints to the other end of the room and pelvic thrusts his dick into her ass, hoping he doesn't miss.
special fetures in 40 year old virgin. "land sharking"
by Jake Erenstoft August 15, 2006
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while engaging in intercorse the female stands against a wall as the male puts his hands above his head, (acting like a sharks fin) while charging at the women trying to peirce the rectal cavity.
the land shark
by Frank Finger February 21, 2011
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n. A male that preys on young drunk girls at bars. Known for singling out the drunkest and most vulnerable girls and is excellent at manipulating the situation to take advantage of the woman while they are highly intoxicated.
(While sitting at a bar) "Yo, look at the land shark over their prowling after that wasted chick!"

"Looks like the land shark has attacked, but it turns out she wasn't drunk enough for him to succeed."

"Which one of you wants to fuck this land shark up first for scumming up this tavern?"
by Parrot Boy June 28, 2011
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The game of shark-biting continued on land. The objective is to pinch a persons ass, mimicking a small shark bite. The 'biter' screams Land Shark!

Drinking rules can be used. Every time someone landsharks another person, both of them have to take a drink.
(pinch) "LANDSHARK!" That was a nice land shark. I got all of that one.
by johnny landshark September 7, 2011
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Anyone who rocks the popped collar, typically seen worn by Guidos and DoucheBags wearing Pink Abercrombie shirts.
Look at the 2 Land Sharks that just came in, I cant believe they think The Blowout is still cool. (WOW, thats alot of self Tanner)
by That1dude86 February 14, 2009
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