My partner has been such a tease and holding out... I got Blue Labes and need some sexual relief now!
by Guiggs June 25, 2016
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an alternative to tripping balls or sack, tripping labe (short for labia- aka pussy lips) is when the acid/shrooms/etc really have you on your ass.
"Holy fucccckkkkkkk. I am absolutely tripping labe right now"
by allieboo72 April 23, 2022
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The cutest guy ever. He is sweet, and will care for you. He as an aries and needs affirmations, but that wont be a problem because he is perfect.
person 1: Wait , your dating jasper labes???
person 2: yeah and he's so cute
person 1: lucky
by <3gay August 25, 2021
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A famous musician from the 1970’s and 1980’s but who is completely irrelevant now. Now he is washed up but still very rich. He spends his days giving money to his wife, who is 30 years younger than him.
by Lovelifedefinitions8978 November 9, 2017
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A smoll amputee foxgirl
Labe is a wholesome fox
by LabeVR March 29, 2021
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