A person in an extreme state of Kick-Assery
Mitch Kicks Ass All Over The Place, No one Has Anything On Him!
by Mitch Woodcock August 12, 2005
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A unit of measurement for the sheer amount of kickass an action or item may physically hold.
Dude One: "Dude, guess the amount of kickassity my weekend held?"

Dude Two: "How much?"

Dude One: "Zero."
by gavilatius December 14, 2010
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A badass guy, a guy kicking asses, a dude that loves action
"That man is a kickass! Look at him fight the bouncer!"
by Wildboyo March 22, 2021
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unless something comes along in the next two years that's really kick-ass, we're going to be the show that the network needs
by pjg June 9, 2003
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1.cool,awsome,tubeular,even great
2.stupid word to describe something tight,clean,badass,or throwed, which are also stupid words.
Poser:"Good Charlotte are so kickass! They rox my sox!"
Some1 with a brain:"Shut the hell up before I kick YOUR ass!"

Poser:"Hot Topic is SOOOOOOOO kickass."

Some1 with a brain:"Yeah, about six years ago."

Nuff said.
by Jotaku December 20, 2004
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A word used to describe the most amazing person or object. Often used by siena and chris too describe how cool they are!
Siena your so kickass I love you! and i cant wait for movie night!
by carobbinschris August 10, 2007
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His kickass playing made them win the game.
by Udi98 September 15, 2013
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