A form of behavior felt or shown when a person is under the influence/possession of an entity; demon, jinn, spirit. The common symptoms that the person might show is just looking like spaz
"yo have u seen fatima yeh, she was out all maghrib and now she be acting all jinny"
by "Expecto Patronum" March 3, 2018
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the cutest lil bean, thinking about her makes everyone happy.

The best person you will meet on stray kids amino
i met a really sweet, caring and lovely person on amino

-omg her name is jinnie right?

by uwuboilovy October 17, 2019
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When someone asks you who you like, turns around and flirts their ass off at them, comes back and rubs in your face how 'close' they've gotten.
Friend: oh my god, i'm soo upset. i told (blahblah) who i liked, and she started flirting with him SO much.

Me: ugh she totally jinnied you..classic.

Friend: wow i should have known she was a jinny...
Me: yeah..shes a total slut. thats just playing dirty.
by yoimacoolcatyo September 19, 2013
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Usually of Korean Heritage, Loves music and dancing (preferably Korean Pop, and Grinding.) Usually short, has freckles, very cute, but cautiously tricky.
Look at my new dog! its soo Jinny Park!

Did you hear about that girl? shes such a Jinny Park!
by PS11 December 1, 2009
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Jin Kazama from Tekken. Jinny Boy is a rare virjin character in Tekken that believes starting WW3 will solve his problems, and that awakening Azazel with the flames of war and then defeating him will make him get rid of the devil gene.
"Jinny Boy admitted to wanting to have penetrative sex with Hwoarang! Xiao Girl overheard this and isn't happy..."
by eatkornHD June 16, 2022
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A girl who is beautiful, and absolutely adoreable! She puts everyone else before herself and keeps a smile on. She doesn’t realise her worth and gets awkwardly shy and cute. She has a bit of laid back attitude In terms of punctuality and becomes careless sometimes. Otherwise she has a pure heart. She is Jinni!
Here comes Jinni finally!
by Anonymous@12345 November 25, 2021
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