Hot-dog bunning is when you stick your dick in between someone's ass cheeks so it looks like a hot dog in a bun.
I was fucking a girl and I wanted to surprise her afterwards, so I squeezed my dick between her ass cheeks and took a picture. She said it sorta looked like a hot-dog. Hot-dog bunning has become a running gag in our house now.
by DeJango March 7, 2014
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A phenomenon that happens when a person puts on a pair of Wrangler jeans. The spread, lift and elongation of the butt cheeks due to the tailoring of rednecks favorite pants.
"When I was cruising the trailer park I spotted Beth (who usually has a nice ass) but she was sporting Wranglers, showing off her hot dog buns".
by Curtmandingo January 11, 2010
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The song that you fart when you stick a flute up your ass.
I stuck a flute up my ass, now I can play Hot Cross Buns proper.
by thekiddictionary February 11, 2017
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Sometime in 2007, a group of kids, mostly between the ages of 13-16, were chatting away on neopets, a popular virtual pet site. One of them, named Dom, was talking about her hot cross buns. Half way through the conversation, she accidently misspelled HOT CROSS BUNS, leaving out the "C". (Hot ROSS Buns) This immediately started a huge thing. The rest of the board laughed histerically, referring to Ryan Ross, the guitarist and lyricist for the popular band Panic At The Disco, and his delicious "buns". Even to this day, hot ross buns puts a smile on their faces. (originally by THE ALYFAYCE, edited a little by me)
by alexisflyy June 26, 2008
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This term refers to a type of self mutilation performed by some crazy males. The man will slice the underside of his penis in half, starting right below the pee hole and ending at the start of his testicles. When the penis heals it looks just like a hot dog bun.
Phil was going to get some oral sex until Suzy saw his hot dog bun. That freaky looking thing scared her off.
by fartwhisperer July 16, 2010
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Where a girl takes her ass cheeks and wrapps them around his dick to fit like a hot dog in a hot dog bun.
Last night me and joe did the hot dog bun, we used ketchup.
by Mary Moo Cow November 26, 2005
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When a gay guy farts on another gay guy's dick during anal coitus
When my boyfriend hot cross buns me, my dick gets so hot that I cum in his asshole.
by Aytan Goodman May 14, 2012
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