One who is a lazy of gay nature.
Girl, with his homosexual nature, and his apathy towards his duties he certainly is of a gazy persuasion.
by Vasco Da Gamma April 6, 2008
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See also: Scally

Political party popular in and around the North West (Bolton) Area. Despises Scallyism (Scallydom) in all it's forms and devotes much of it's time and manpower in eradicating these lower-lower and higher-lower class wasters.

Despite it's name, it is not connected or following the political ideals of the Nazi party, simply intending wipe out the Pestilant Scallies in all their forms.

Identifyable by it's symbol, one of a large 'G' with 4 long spikes lines pointing NW, NE, SW and SE from the symbol, with smaller, thicker spikes at North, South, East and West. The symbol is usually a deep red and seen in large posters of banners.

Favourite campaign slogans include:
"Rhubard to Britain's Custard"

"The World was your oyster: It's ours now."
by His Gaziness June 14, 2004
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A grammar Nazi
A person usually on the internet who will spot and correct even minor grammatical errors.
these people are either hated or loved. There is no grey area
A) he keeps correcting my spelling and grammar. he's such a know it all
B) Incorrect, he is actually a Gazi
by jordandoesnteatrainbows January 21, 2015
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Gay and lazy
Mia osrs you been gazy
by Charlie312 September 1, 2020
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Someone or something who's fake. A front put up to hide a person's true nature.
Ex. That nigga fucked with his best friends ex hthat's some fuh gazy ass shit.
That hoe fucked best friends boyfriend and acted like nothing happened that's hell fuh gazy
by SauceBoss300 February 22, 2015
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When a gay faggot flashes his ass and sits on ur face. If the person is not gay then it is called a face sitting.
by Phatfatnibbas March 19, 2017
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Only a fool looking at something fake would believe it is real.
It is a fool gazy diamond meaning someone thinks it is real when it is not.
by Golf57 June 22, 2013
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