The term coined by Sir. Neko da kami-sama during the end of French revolution. It means "Happy".
Hi! I think I'm gae
I'm not gae, that explains why I'm sad
by Neko da kami-sama July 20, 2021
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This is gay, but 10x more gay, this is an ascended gay, this type of gay is so gay that some can die just from its look.
Person 1: That person is so Gae
Person 2: Holy Shit?! Really that gay?
by Hoovys lucky Sandvich May 7, 2020
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In July 2022, Putin formed an alliance against the GAE
by definitionsman567890 July 28, 2022
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The word "gae" (verb) unlike how others have written it, is actually a Scottish word meaning "to go" and has actually has nothing to do with the LGBT community.
"We would like to gae on the Ferris Wheel at the carnival."
by Roseiiha November 2, 2018
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A term to define a casual gamer or a normie
Wow Look at DopeMope he's so gae!

That guy is hella gae he doesn't even know what a space bar is.
by FlowyPeels September 7, 2019
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