A socially awkward dork, who doesn't bathe, do laundry, brush their teeth or use deoderant. They typically wear gaming clothes and can be found in front of a laptop or xbox, while gaming with other "floopers."

They are solitary creatures, but can travel in packs and are easily offended when you mock their stupid Japanese music that they listen to on their iPods.

They are are typically virgins, and will remain that way unless the planets align or someone with low self esteem chooses to mate with them.
Dude, I saw a flooper at GameStop. He was buying the new World of Warcraft game. He smelled like B.O.and Mountain Dew. He had a fanny pack to.

I was at the library and saw some floopers playing "Magic." They looked so pathetic.
by Sukmyshoe August 25, 2014
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Messing up in an unexpected way, and juggling to correct it and still messing up.
Botching an intention; trying to correct it and botching it unexpectedly worse.
Forgetting something, to only bring something horribly inappropriate which seemed ok at the time.

Flustered + Pooped It = Floopered
"I fucked that shit up..."
an "...oh fuck..." moment because you caused it.
Janice was pouring through a funnel, quickly noticed the funnel was going to over-pour and in a fluster corrects the funnel for no good reason and ends up spilling everything everywhere "I really floopered that one".

Rodney was attempting to catching a football, juggles the catch towards the ground, trips and eats shits "I floopered that one".

Floop – FloopedFloopered
by Nyn January 4, 2018
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n. Someone who uses the music production software program created by Image-Line Software and is really good at it.
Yo Cuzo, that dude 9th Wonder is an ill FLooper.
by Rod The Bod March 23, 2006
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Titties that fold over the top, to the point where the nipples face directly downward.
Hey guys, look at that girl, she totally has floopers"
by Jc123 June 24, 2014
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When your about to get nudes but then they change their mind
Dude What a flooper I was about to get nudes but then she said no
by No handlebars October 23, 2019
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The backwards energy charge most commenly given by an oven
See oven
Joe's faulty oven ommitted a sizeable discharge of Flooper
by SGSeries August 9, 2004
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A Booty ass Fortnite sweat who is 9 and hasn't seen grass before. There are numerous reports of Pooper Floppers going outside and screaming as they aren't used to the sun and because they are confused as to what grass is. they are usually seen at Walmart with fortnite clothing on and buying sweat pants daily as the washing machine won't clean their sweaty ass booty shit clothing fast as they can sweat and ruin their clothing.
Shut Your Booty ass up Elysia you Pooper Flooper
by Booty Ass kid July 5, 2021
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