Anything using a power source not understood by the user.
At airport security ~ please remove laptops,Ipads, and any Electronicals items from hand luggage.
by carouselangel June 11, 2019
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An electron is not a particle or a wave a such, but actually a region of space surrounding a nucleus which "has a property of 'electron-ness'". These regions of space are fixed positions around the nucleus called orbitals. There are several types of orbital, each with its own shape and corresponding bond-type. 'Electron-ness' is the quality which allows electrons to exist in a state which is defined as electrons. Circular logic? You bet!
The electron leapt up two shells, and fell again, emitting beautiful red flashes and flickers. If it had been a person, it would have wept with joy at the sight. But it was just an electron.
by Donnelly February 12, 2004
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Booklets. As in "dem electronical booklets."
I have to call the broker and see if he wants paper books or electronicals.
by Melissa Saiz January 28, 2005
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When you are charging up all of your devices for a big day ahead when you need a full arsenal of electronic entertainment.
We are ready for the party tomorrow. We are
Getting charged and will be fully electroniced.
by jacksmama8 January 3, 2020
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An insult. calling someone this means you are calling them short and annoying.
Zara: you stole my microwave!?

Pix: *laughs*
Zara: you are such a electron!
Pix: I am not!
by _Rave_ April 15, 2021
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The attribute of being electronic, like computers, audio and video systems, lasers, cell phones, email, lasers, radios, etc. Pronounced "ee-lek-tron-IH-sih-tee". Also "electronicality", "ee-lek-tron-ih-KAL-ih-tee".
We're surrounded by electronicity, and I LOVE it!
by pentozali August 26, 2011
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