a group of friends that are like brothes/sisters.Unlike the Clockwork Orange, droogs do not necissarily beat and rape people.Some may, and some may not.
My friend Joe is one of my droogs.
by dzfh March 11, 2006
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A particularly destructive punk rocker or a tightly knit group of particularly destructive punk rockers, from the movie/novel "A Clockwork Orange"

Those droogs tagged the brickwall behind Target again.
by Alyssa Fountain October 5, 2005
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1) A word used for your main man who is always down and has your back no matter what. 2) Also used to describe the shaft part of your penis.
1) I almost got old sowed last night but my droog Hollywood Mercer had my back. 2) To get horny i like to stroke my droog.
by Hollywood Mercer August 5, 2010
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Originating from the Stanley Kubrick film "A Clockwork Orange", Droog is a slang term for friend amongst certain Northerners.
"Alright my droog?" This can also be replaced by "Droogie"
by Coop April 25, 2004
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A foolish person. Commonly used to insult someone for no reason other than fun. A very casual slang word, and can be said as just "Nooch," or "Droog."
Jimbo: "Hey, why did you do that you noochy droog?"

Blobby: "I like to eat flesh, you droog! You are my human cattle!"
by Lard boy of lard April 5, 2018
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Shuving a finger far into the anus causing someone to become agitated, disturbed, or excited
He was given a noochi droog and moaned
by SmollBLT June 17, 2017
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