when a man lies on his back under a low fan and a woman riding him lifts her legs and grabs hold of the fan spinning her round and round.
guy one: fuck man that was amazing.
guy two: what was?
guy one: she dreideled me man it was awesome.
by jenna2010 August 31, 2009
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Dreideling - also know as a Dutch Dreidel

Is when one partner is upside down with thier head on a pillow while the other partner is up higher holding them by the calves area at a comfortable height, after insertion in desirable spot every few thrusts carefully spin em as you continue thrusting
dreideling placing your partner upside down and while you fuck them you spin them. When I fucked my girl last I was spinning her on her head like a dreidel till she tipped over.
by Amstadamm September 15, 2018
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A woman that is so tiny or petite that she could sit on a dick and be spun around like a dreidel.
Blaine: Holy shit check her out. Now that's a dreidel!
Derick: Sit and spin, baby! Sit and spin!
by RedRoving April 24, 2016
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Definition: The clitoris of a jewish girl

Background: Common slang.

Example: Did you play with her dreidel?
Did you play with her dreidel?
by TW December 11, 2004
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VERB: The act of wasting yours or someone else's time since dreidels are a complete waste of time anyway.
I want to go to the store but Steven is dreideling around playing video games.
by OGDreidelMafia December 16, 2017
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A game typically played by jews, the rules consist of spinning a dreidel and whoever gets the highest number railes the fattest jews mom.
I won the dreidel dreidel game and got to derail nelly kelly, shit was gas pack.
by Pawgybaka August 27, 2021
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This happens when a dating couple try the long-distance relationship thing when they go off to university or college in the fall and they make it past the Thanksgiving turkey drop but evidently end their relationship on or around Hanukkah.
Person 1: Did you hear Sam and Felipe broke up?
Person 2: Shoot, not another Dreidel Drop.
by rosshole2020 January 4, 2021
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