Origins: from the latin Cris - meaning crabs, and Blese - meaning bite(s).

The act of one persons crabs biting the genitalia of someone else.
"See these cribbles? That bitch had nazi crabs!"
by DuckSooop March 4, 2005
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crispy bits around the edge of an oven baked dish such as cottage pie, fish pie or lasagne
A helping of cottage pie is not complete without some srapings of extra tasty cribbles from around the edge of the oven dish.
by Beccy Fitz August 16, 2008
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When your clothes are rumply and need to be ironed.
I can't wear this because these are cribbly clothes.
by T to the B to the O N E March 18, 2014
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Noun - An old hip black man, most likely in a walker or weal chair.
That cribble was so cool, damn to bad he can't move like us.
by Midnightbum July 26, 2010
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Crispy cribble refers to 5 piece KFC Chicken tender combo in a particular way.
It primarily involved in when your sister tells you you cant eat it in her car
No i dont you to get crispy cribbles in the back of my car!
by Kfc 5 piece chicken tender September 9, 2020
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the feeling when you hear "scabies". (please see "scabies" for that definition.) Also, the very girlie hand motion made when you find these "scabies", or bugs in your bed after coming home from getting your groove on and at the steller club.
I got the cribblies after seeing those ants crawling up my leg and then onto my Aunt Gemima's syrup that I was about to eat for breakfast with my grits.
by Kyanne January 20, 2005
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A very small amount of weed, just enough to get you high. Cribble is the last resort. If you have absolutely no weed, you may find some cribble in between the seats of your car or wherever you normally roll.
Hey Paul, sorry to bother you but could I get a little bit of cribble?

I have some cribble left in my grinder.
by Cribblemonster February 27, 2018
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