a blunt rolled with weed and yayo(coke)
by blunt1 March 27, 2003
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A chewy is another term for brain, or a blowjob, the process of sucking a males's penis
Danielle gave Billy a major chewy.
by Summertah Pop! May 11, 2009
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Chewy; noun: a drug consisting of grounded up weed (shake) and cocaine. you can smoke it from a pipe or roll it in a blunt, spliff or joint.
"This chewy got me paranoid and goin kinda scared
Niggaz startin to know my face so I had to cut my hair"

"I smoke chewy like a muthafuckin' nut
ya got a gram bag get the zags an' roll 'er up"

Andre Nickatina (coke fiend, great rapper)
by xander Fischer September 9, 2007
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Slang in California for a cigar hollowed out and refilled with marijuana and cocaine in place of the tobacco. Andrea Nickatina raps about them a lot.
"I smoke chewies like a mother fuckin' nut..."
by unibonger January 3, 2008
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Mate, can you stop at the milk bar and buy me a pack of chewie
by Lane Meyer June 11, 2005
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When your butt is eating your underwear.
After a wedgie, you have a chewy. Or when it just happens because your shorts/swimsuit rides up into your butt crack.

Don't just let your butt feast on your underwear for all to see... pick your chewy already!
by pissymiss July 25, 2012
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Verb; Chewies, Chewie, Chew (round of chewies)

'Chewies' refers to the action of a female (whore, slag, bitch, ho) performing oral sex on a male.

Women are often required to perform what is referred to as a 'round of chewies' which is quintessentially 3 separate acts within a short amount of time.

(Chewies can also be used to refer to a woman receiving oral sex)
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