A spam letter that says if you don't send this letter to X number of people within X number of minutes something bad will happen to you. If you do send it then something good will happen to you (despending on what kind of chain letter it is)
1.Post this on ten other message boards and your wish will come true! Proven!

2.If you don't e-mail this to ten other people you will have bad luck for the rest of forever.

3.Proven! Send this to ten other people and you WILL be in trouble!
by Newbia April 27, 2004
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A letter, often containing a story, that promises something good if sent to x people (or in the case of MySpace, reposted) in y minutes, and often comes with a consequence if not reposted.

These are very popular on MySpace, and in some cases chain letters threaten account deletion if not reposted. They are very annoying and clutter up the bulletins.

These letters are NOT TRUE. Trust me; I've ignored various chain letters with something along the lines of "repost or you will die" and I'm still alive and well. If I do die, it will have nothing to do with a chain letter.
<Random person A> I got one of those chain letters. If I don't repost this by midnight tonight then I apparantly will be killed off by a ghost. What do I do?
<Random person B> Ignore it. Whoever made that is trying to clutter up e-mail servers.
by gs68 May 16, 2005
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Chain letters are annoying, but some of them are so stupid you can't help but laugh.
Here's a chain letter I recieved today:

there was a girl named gween tea she went to take a crap and she sharted out a nuclear bomb every one died if u don’t send this to 200 billion people in 1 second gween tea will come and shit on your head.
by MyNameIsChloeeee July 11, 2010
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forwarded e-mail which threatens to ruin yor sex life unless you send it to 20 people within 5 minutes of receiving it.
OMG guys, Jesus wrote this chain letter 2000 years ago despite the fact of not having a computer and if you dont send it to 80 friends within the next hour in order to save a starving ugandan orphan with syphilis he will zap your testicles off!
by Aden December 11, 2003
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A way for the bored people to reach out and fill their so-called "friends'" email boxes with useless information so that they could feel superior in reaching out to mass people that they otherwise would not be able to meet.
Friends do not let friends send chain letters.
by xntrc October 12, 2005
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Things my friends send me all the time, so much that it dehumanises me.
REad this chain letter!
HAHAHA, sex me no waah! and so the girl hanged herself and blah blah blah. Send this to 100000000 people or I will destroy you.
by Guten Tag! September 21, 2005
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In 1894 a girl named Mary went to the store. When she got there she was kidnapped and then raped to death by 9 men. Now if don't post it on to 5 other definitions, she will come to your room with glowing red eyes and kill you.
That my friend, is an example of a chain letter..
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