This is not a term you bestow on a person whom you do not care about. It is a more of a GTFO salutation, because you want nothing to do with this girl. She has nothing to offer, and is only there to try to get something for herself. She has no redeeming qualities. As noted, it is a quote from Friday. If you watch the movie, you'll understand the context.
Chick: Can I bum some weed off you?
Dude: Bye Felicia
Chick: I'll hook you up next time I'm holding.
Dude.: Bye Felicia
by Oddballls January 4, 2015
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When a person does or says something that pisses you off, instead of letting their irrelevant ass get to you, their name becomes "Felicia". You can then say the words "Bye Felicia" as a way of dismissing them from your life, and showing them they hold no relevance to you.
Person: You're a little bitch.
You: I dont have time for your bullshit you know, Bye Felicia!
Person: Who is Felicia
You: Who are you?
by RealestOne December 25, 2013
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One begging to use your car after asking to hit a joint and for five bucks.
You: "Bye Felicia."
by nknionionlm[ July 12, 2019
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When someone who you could give two fucks less about says bye. You reply with Bye Felicia. From the movie Friday. In the movie Felicia is a bum who asks her neighbor Craig if she can use their stuff.
The ratchet girl said bye to me so I responded with Bye Felicia.
by MaDawgTT February 6, 2015
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A way to say bye in a unimportant way. It originates from a movie from 1995.
by AI Goalies April 23, 2018
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1. phrase
used to shoo off another person who, at that point in time, is irrelevant to you or your life, usually when someone is asking for something; derived from the movie "Friday".
Person 1: Hey man can I have some money?
Person 2: Bye Felicia
by totallynotvain298 May 12, 2015
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Girl: "You always f***** lying, bye felicia!"
by skullymitetho February 20, 2017
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