In continue to the definition by Spiel Brickner, which was rather accurate, I'd like to add a couple of things.
While using the word "blyat" as a link word (regardless to its meaning) , there are no rules for where to place this word in the sentence. You may place it anywhere in the sentence as many times as possible, even after each word if you will, and it will still remain correct russian grammar.
The bets anology demonstrating it, is the hebrew word "keilu", which northern Israeli bitches use similary as a link word placing it randomly in the sentence regardless the meaning of the word itself.
(A little exaggerated example, even though you can find russian people talking this way)
Yesterday blyat I went to this party, blyat, and it was so lame blyat that even after I got drunk blyat I didn't feel like dancing blyat.
by Alon Gutman July 16, 2006
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Russian-based word stands for "Been loving you all times"
Russian CS:GO player: suka blyat, idi nahui.
Other CS:GO players: I know I love you too! <3
by Tiny Waffle June 26, 2015
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A Ukrainian/Russian swear word that means something like fuck.
by waffle_exe_ November 18, 2019
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This word is a link word in Russian language which recently became popular thanks to Russians dominating on many international online resources. Generally it just emphasizes all that was spoken before. But also keep in mind that here's word "blyad" in Russian too and this word means a slut. Some people even spell "blyad" when they use the meaning of "blyat", so there's this subtle hint about how exactly the emphasis is created.
- cyka blyat! (fucking motherfucker/fucking shit)
- I've tried it, blyat, so what?
by Plummet June 28, 2015
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a way to communicate without the hassle of thinking and saying the numerous words that it takes to get your meaning across. but be aware the person you're communicating to has to be on the same wavelength as you and/or have a significantly high/low i.q. otherwise it'll all just be gibberish which it is basically. i don't know why i ever learnt it, it's just a waste of time and kills your brain cells, but you're reading this too which means you also know it, ain't life a bitch?
a way to blyat without blyatting, but the blyatter you're blyatting to has to be blyatting the same blyat or be a good enough blyatter to blyat your blyat otherwise it'll just be BLYAAT. i don't know why i blyat, but you're blyatting too or trying to, haha you got BLYAATED!
by Oh Blyat February 28, 2007
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The universally word. When u met someone from slavic country - just cast blyat to him and he’s will be new your friend
Suka blyat
Cuka blyat
Cyka blyat
Syka blyat
by SlavDed April 18, 2020
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Mom and dad: cyka иднйе
Me: blyat
by Flying momma December 23, 2019
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