a term to describe a woman's external vagina, the similarity being in the coloring.
"I got to eat roast beef last night"
by Anonymous April 20, 2003
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The Swedish term for beef that is roasted.
Person 1: I want roast beef for dinner.
Person 2: Roast beef?
Person 1: Yes, the Swedish term for beef that is roasted.
by eridani0x June 27, 2007
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The luscious protruding inner lips of a woman's vagina which is men’s favorite part to suck on during oral sex.
These inner lips are particularly sensitive and touching them makes the woman orgasm.
The inner lips of some genetically blessed women grow larger during puberty.
The inner labia of the majority of women more or less protrude beyond the outer labia but since the protruding lips are considered too sexy (too graphic) for soft porn, the guidelines mandate digital removal of these parts before getting them published. So virgin guys who are used to jerking off to porn pussies are not aware of this trait of real-life pussies.
1.My girl’s roast beef lips can kiss my dick at the same time she’s kissing my lips. It makes me and her madly horny!!!

2.I love rolling my wife’s roast beef lips around in my mouth. Sucking on those juicy pussy-lips sends me and her to heaven!

3.Mike doesn’t know how sex works. I laughed so hard at that virgin dude when he said he thought girls can get their roast beef lips stretched out during sex hahaaaaaa
by smartyass March 24, 2010
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1. adj. Describes the many folds and layers of labia of an inside-out pussy.
2. Noun. Vagina that closely resembles the Arby's big roast beef sandwich.
My homie could have got laid if it weren't for the fear of the roast beef sandwich laid out before him.
by Bear Man Sr. February 14, 2020
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A really loose girls vagina. When he cunt folds over itself and it's all brown n crusty.
I saw this girl the other day and she was sooo hot!! She actually let me go down on her but when i found out she had roast beef i threw her out the window
by Mike Cannon May 22, 2004
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1. A tore up vagina that resembles roast beef.

2. Very large vagina lips.
After cream pieing her roast beef, I was hungry and decided to make sandwich.
by steve sagal jr. March 11, 2008
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