coughing burping, and hiccuping at the same time.
"bro I just did a MAYJOR barp"
by 123425 December 9, 2021
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1. A burp that smells greater than or equal to that of a fart.

2. A burp resultant from the consumption of "smelly" foods, to include liverwurst, garlic, ect.

"Open then window, Adam just farted, I think I'm going to puke!"

"I DIDN'T FART! It was a barp."

"Holy shit! What have you been eating?"

"Oh, I had a ton of garlic in my dinner at Frank's."
by ukilledthecat September 10, 2007
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The feeling one has when one finishes a game and then realizes your opponent is an extremely poor sport.
I thought I had a pleasant victory coming at the end of our scrabble game, but then I found Sally had given me a nasty case of barps! So I pulled out my revolver and took care of business!
by carbbles April 25, 2010
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form of communication widely regarded as a greating
gg : hi
st : Barp
gg : got to go
st : Barp (variation)
by Barpzio April 5, 2005
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a word to annoy those who dont know the meaning of the word
person 1: oh yeah? well BARP
person 2: what the hell does that mean???!?!?!?
by Guyza November 28, 2008
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the sound effect generally put with a wheelie on a motobike
baaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrp!!!! baaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrp!
by ant June 21, 2004
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The sound noise that a car horn makes.
Barp your horn when you are ready to pick me up.
by Tayah April 23, 2008
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