Pet name given to a girlfriend. Most likley derived from "stank ass who'".
I'm at my Stank Ass' house. or Get me a beer, Stank Ass
by neighbor June 3, 2005
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hoes with no mother fuckin' purpose they jus wanna fuck a nigga and go on kinda like crack feens dat fuck ya jus ta get some rock dey fuck cuz dey hoes dat love rappers
yo maaaaaaaan i aint had none in weeks lets go get some stank asses
by Yung20 September 24, 2006
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A girl (or guy) who runs around with everyone and thinks they're hot shit, when realistically they're just someone who's hit it with everyone and their brother. In summary, your everyday whore.
Girl 1 Man, look at her stank ass!
Girl 2 I heard she got over on another one. Glad it wouldn't me!
by MoscatoLove February 8, 2015
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A dirty, disease-ridden slut.
Sandy is a stank ass hoe.
by Travman December 3, 2002
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A nasty girl who gives it up to everyone.
Steve is always dating that stank ass ho because she gives it up so easily.
by dpsfavecsl August 25, 2006
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1. Girl that has sex with many guys

2.female that is loose on the booty

3.female that does not wash he booty often causing it to reek
4.female only used for sex
Omg! Caitlyn Elizabeth Fox is such a stank ass hoe sleeping with all these other girls boyfriends!
by Realassshitnigga March 11, 2016
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It whenever a nigga decides to not brush his teeth for a few days, so he starts to develop a thing called "ass breath". Days later it develops into a thing called "stank ass breath". The nigga ask you does his breath stink, you do not reply, but find the nearest computer and type in stank ass breath. If the nigga is still there I think that he gets the Idea that they have stank ass breath. If they are still breathing on your neck, you should tell them out loud, "NIGGA YOU GOT STANK ASS BREATH!" Hopefully the nigga will feel bad and brush his teeth.
Nigga who has not brushed his teeth in a while and ate cheese. Stank ass breath.
by Leechluck March 9, 2014
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